Sunday, December 16, 2007

when is yesterday really today?

this is my saturday post and i'm certain blogger will tell you it is sunday, not saturday... but i beg to differ! .... i am still in my saturday....not done yet, not moving on to sunday at the stroke of midnight .... i refuse to concede that saturday could possibly be done ... so my today is still saturday, though saturday might technically be yesterday .... so, it is still yesterday, today.... ok
yesterday, meaning friday, since i'm saying today is saturday though technically i suppose you could argue that friday is double yesterdayed ..... where was i? ....oh yeah ... on friday morning i went to pottery and did raku and got two dear angels out of the flames lost its halo ... so i won't show its picture until i do something to construct one for it .... a halo-less angel is ... well ..... what? maybe a fairy? definitely a rank below angel! .....
 but ..... i do have one glorious raku fired angel to show you today (yesterday) from yesterday (double yesterday) ...... 

so ... perhaps i am feeling a little overwrought by the yesterdayness of today because i stayed up so late last night ... and now i'm doing it again ... vicious cycle, this night owl thing!!! 

tomorrow, in my journaling class, we are working on the outside of the journal .... we painted them last week.... and this week we are working on the spine ... and adding fibers and what not .... should make for some interesting pieces ..... 

off to bed! it's nearly tomorrow ... but don't get me started on that! 


Darla said...

That is one amazing angel no matter what day it is - or was. Your talent continues to both amaze and inspire me.


Anonymous said...

Hope you took pics in your class today
or yesterday
or the next day
or tomorrow

whenever it is ;)