here is my art of the day:
my kids didn't have school today ....
so i washed a dozen and a half eggs .....did you know salmonella is usually ON the shell not in the yolk and white? so when you crack it the outer egg gets some of the eggy juiciness on it ... anyway .... wash your eggs ....
skewer your egg .... i sometimes use a heavy duty needle ....but actually find a skewer works kind of like a drill ... scrape a little til it grabs ... then gently drill it in .... make a small hole on both ends .... the smaller, the prettier ... the bigger, the easier to blow out the gunk ...
it helps if you skewer all the way through the egg to pop the yolk..... blow into a bowl if you want scrambled eggs .... my mom always did that .... planned ahead ... blew eggs for weeks ahead of easter time .. hold gently, blow powerfully.....
no, honey...hold GENTLY .... if you squeeze it ... well ... gross! .... yes, honey...just hold it there a minute while i get the camera ..... i know it's gross, but it won't kill you to hold a smashed egg for another minute ..... well, you smashed it .... so now be my photo op!
rinse out the insides and blow them again ... let them dry .....
use crayons to decorate the eggs for a wax resist ..... then follow the directions on your egg dye kit .... it says just use water, but if you use vinegar, the colors are much more vibrant .....keep them in the dye for a long time for deeper colors ....
after your eggs dye, display them in a pretty bowl or on a springy platter ......
make sure you write the date on a couple of them ..... when easter is over, pack your gorgeous eggs up in the egg carton and put them away with the other easter decorations ... you'll be able to enjoy them for years to come ..... we have piles of them now ..... when i was a kid, my mom used to string them and make an egg tree .....
what are you doing to celebrate the season ....
Happy Easter!
Glad you showed both! I've been loving your nest canvases too. Beautiful depth to your pieces. Not many traditions here, my boys are teenagers now and it's hard to get them rounded up. Minimum Easter baskets with chocolate, jelly beans, some little toys (legos, matchbox cars, silly putty - reminders from childhood) and the latest issue of their car/truck/motorcycle/video game (whatever they happen to be interested in at the time) magazine. Easter dinners fell by the wayside for me when their paternal grandfather nearly died at Easter time a few years ago. Now, I tell them they need to go with their dad (we're divorced) to his family's Easter dinner and spend time with Pop Pop. You never know.
Happy Easter!
FIRST off -- I swear it is sunday at 7:43pm est and I am reading this post for the first time!
I did not -- NOT steal the hippity hoppity from you --- we just think alike
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