... happy new year, friends out there in blogland .....
i've had an amazing whirlwind in the last few weeks:
-my parents' fiftieth wedding anniversary party before christmas in florida ....
-christmas with both sets of grandparents here at home ....
-family skiing in colorado with our best pals ....
and upcoming:
-mr.e.beck.artist's birthday ... i'll be cooking mexican for that ... just need to work on a present ...
-little.e.beck.artist's birthday... a week away .... eek .... (tip: don't bear children in january)
and now, mr.e.beck.artist has gone back to work, three kids have gone off to school, and i am left with seven (ack, when will i learn to pack lightly?) huge suitcases of dirty laundry/ski gear and a christmas bedecked home to unbedeck .... oh my ....
i've been working hard just to get it all over with so i can get back to my tra la la carefree, artsy ways .... and in between i check my emails, dally on facebook, and now, blog ....
this morning online i saw this quote:
and i love it ... it sounds all new age, seize the moment, follow your blissish .... but it is thoreau ... good old fashion thoreau .....so, i wrote it down, cleared a spot at the sink (moved the santa and the angel to the dining room cleanup staging area, sigh) and hung it right up .... i always like seeing how long it takes my family to notice new quotes .... that's called enoying the little things in life, huh?
so, new years resolutions ... at the moment, mine is to get the christmas gear stowed away in the basement .... once that's done, i'll either feel accomplished, or determine another resolution .... at the moment my studio is not functional, it had a wrapping paper explosion ... but that should get cleaned up with the first resolution .....
how long is it acceptable to have garland and wreaths wrapped around my white picket fence? ... i need to get on that, huh?
happy new year ... i'm off to a slow start .... but that's ok, right?