on saturday, little.e.beck.artist and i totally cleaned up the basement .... that includes the art studio, the sitting room, the christmas wrapping paper, dress up clothes, and incredible amounts of mess ..... we even re covered the work tables with fresh paper .... and immediately felt compelled to deface it with doodles ....
i have two paintings started (nearly finished) ... one a commissioned piece, the other a donation for an auction .... and i have a couple at the beginning stages ....

and today? no art... just craft ... at sunday school this morning, my fourth graders made god's eyes ... do you remember those? did you make them at camp when you were little? the kids loved it ... loved it so much that it will probably be part of next week's lesson too ....
tomorrow i plan to finish one painting, maybe two .... with my plan being three completed this week ... do you have an artsy plan?