Sunday, October 12, 2008

express yourself ....

i finished this collage today ... on a sunday! ... my week was so crazy that i didn't get a full week's worth of painting done i felt compelled to get in some time today .....  girl.beck.artist was sick for nine days ... i think it's done NOW though .... i guess i'll know for sure tomorrow! .... that was a long fever, huh? 
this piece has been in my studio for months (dare i say more than a year? i don't know) ... and finally today i felt able to finish it ..... rah ... and i'm quite pleased with the happy sentiment ... 

i brought it up to put in the fireplace so i can study it for a bit ... and mr.e.beck.artist (who is forever assigning meaning to my art .. frequently incorrectly) said ... so, we live in that yellow house, huh? ....
me: yes we do, honey! .....  
he: why are our shrubs orange? 

so sometimes he gets it .. but just a titch .... or maybe he's just yanking my chain .... 

my kiddos don't have school monday .... good for the sick one to have one more day off ... not so good for artistic productivity .... 

hope you had a happy weekend ... the weather here was gorgeous fabulous lovely .... and it is a four day weekend for the kids and me ... can't beat that! 


3rdEyeMuse said...

this was SOOOO worth the wait. - what a fantastic piece. is this one of the bigger canvases?

that is one long sickly child - so very sorry for you both. hopefully you are right and she's finally done with it.

weekend has been great, thank you.

shrink on the couch said...

because you want to start an orange grove?

Anonymous said...

really like that monopoly house painting! love all the colors
tell mr beck - up notrh we have bushes that turn fall colors (not many but a couple)

Chris said...

Okay, you KNOW I love this. Are you dedicating yourself to posting all things that Chris loves? Because that certainly looks like what you're doing. I have been so busy I haven't been by for a week and I come back here and what do I see?! Stuff For Chris To Look At !!
