Monday, July 23, 2007

mona dit: je voudrais aller a paris, s'il vous voudrais voir la lune et la tour eiffel

yippee, zippy.....i had a fabulous art girls and i spent the day in the basement is one of my finished is three feet square, quite large and grand.......there are bingo chips in the sky......and flash card houses.....her wings are shiny metal.......her one crown jewel is a bottle cap...julia's favorite part is mona's orange land's end shoes...quite comfy for travelling......tra la la......

hooray for art days.....


allison strine said...

i love this one!! i want to buy it!

FOUND! Ann Arbor said...

oh, my gosh - your work would be perfect in my shop in michigan! i followed a link from allison strine and found you (have her work - need to order more soon). let's talk. mary