Wednesday, August 29, 2007

hickory, dickory dock, elizabeth made a clock, of bottle caps and this and thats, hickory dickory dock...tick tock

yippee, zippy, hooooooooray for telling time ..... i've had the findings for this clock for well over a year ...meaning, a year ago, i had an itch to make a clock ...the itch passed, the clock was never made, and the findings were thumbtacked to my wall in my studio ...... so, when presented with a deadline painting group topic of face ...... i certainly thought about sweet mona's face ...... or a face on a sun or a moon or a turtle or a pig or something .... but no ... i somehow ended up with the face of a clock ..... i was going to do an acutal face or paint a clock ....but this is where i ended up .....i'm not sure my deadline painting group will approve ....i'm always WAY looser with the topics than most ... but, i am over joyed ...... when julia saw the clock she LOVED it ...... drew said ...IT WORKS? ...... why, yes it does!! and when Sophie came downstairs this morning she said it is STILL going ...... so .... i impressed a houseful of kids at least ...... and julia has requested a clock for christmas ...nothing like planning ahead .....

ps .... i decided that i coulnd't tell time from across the room, so now the hands of the clock are black so they show up better .....that ok?


Anonymous said...

Yes I think black was a good idea
great clock! very cool

Sallie - AKA *Sparky* said...

Oh, that's amazing! Your clock really made me smile! And I love your kids' comments! "it still works?" that's cute!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your clock!!! And I bet it looks great with black hands!! When I first saw it I didn't even see the hands. Julia's got good taste! Hope it's getting a little cooler there. :)
Love, Roberta