Sunday, August 19, 2007

i hereby publicly proclaim that my husband ROCKS ... he is so awesome because he fixed my cable ...went out in the yard and figured out the problem

.....i was at the folk fest today and told two dear friends that my family was going to be amish this week ...cause cable was down tv, no internet, no happy wireless mac laptop.....and i came home from folk fest (fabulous things to tell you) ...and the cable is working ....and i am just having a quick online fix ..... i'm inhaling...... and then i'm off to a baseball game in the 9000degree heat wave that is atlanta ...... so .....i'm just blogging to say that if you read the last blog, you don't have to wait til tuesday for me to be back up and running ...... and i have grand and glorious emoting to do about my weekend and my day and the fest and artsiness .... but in the meanwhile ..... just a tra la la of happiness ..... at the folk fest, while i was the "artist in the booth".... this painting (the biggest in lola's booth) was SOLD ....sold, sold, sold....someone likes my art ...someone who has never met me before likes my art ...tra la la .....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we love ANDY!!!

yeah for the handy husband