Monday, January 23, 2012

color color color color color color

i went to lowe's... 
hi, i need some paint chips for an art project... 
is that ok? 
ok with me.... 
thanks .... um.... is there a limit to how many i can have? 
thanks ...  
i don't usually work here, but i'm sure it's fine .... 
oh, wait!
(that's where i thought uh oh)
just don't leave any spaces with none in them, ok? 
ok, thanks

major score on all sorts of color joy for me.... with permission no less ... 
when my kids were little every time they went to a hardware store they got to pick a few colors ... 
we'd take them home and use them in art projects ....

guess what i used them for? 

did you guess? 
if you guessed, you can look at the next pic ....
it has a hint ... 

 yay for color 

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