maybe i sound like a broken record (OH! is that even a cliche anymore? i need something a titch more hip to say!) .....dare i say, i'm being repetitive in telling my groovy readers how happy it is to have an artsy endeavor each day.......i went to pottery......i picked up a small nativity made of chocolate is lovely! .....i got six...YES! six! ....i got back six happy, small bowls and such....they were bisque ware...and i glazed is specifically for allison, but the other five have no definitive future plans......the nicest thing is that i USUALLY hang onto bisque pieces for SO long before i glaze them...glazing is not the best part for me.......but i did these same day, so that's a nice habit i wish i would keep .......i actually have bisque ware in my basement that is downright ancient now....because i was never moved to glaze it.......anyway....happy pottery morning....and i just did some painting in my basement studio.......finishing up a few things here and there.......
tonight i am going to a bingo party at you know i am bingo girl? i plan on bringing home plenty of bingo cards, and that sure makes me happy!! ...... i've also donated quite a few things to be prizes for winners....and a painting for a raffle prize......there's a theme going here in my is WAY easier to just give away art for a good cause than it is to do the legwork required to do marketing, galleries, art festivals and such!
EDIT: ok....i feel the need to edit....i am a bingo girl, in that i LOVE using bingo cards in my art like this......i'm not necessarily a bingo PLAYING girl.......i don't go to the lodge every weekend and play, or anything like that!'s an art thing....not an actual bingo playing thing...though i did ACTUALLY play tonight....and if it is possible to be BAD at bingo, i was one point, melinda was laughing so hard she was crying....which got me laughing so hard that i was crying too....whooooooknew that bingo could be so funny!
Hey Happy Girl, Keep it going as it makes me happy just to read what you are doing. Bingo? you go girl - win some for me.
Hey e!
I've got this great rubber stamp that I really love that the title of this entry reminded me of . . .
"Art washes away the dust of every day life." Picasso
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