i'm just going to assume that YOU (whoever you might be) are here to check on my art....and if, perhaps, i don't do any art, that you are perhaps interested in a bit of light reading....perhaps you are even wondering, well, why on earth didn't she do art today? ....so....i'll tell you......i've got this game thing going on with my kids....we sometimes play five or six games in a day...but, ya know, when you are playing five or six games, you don't play long ones....you play toss up, gobblet, top trumps, rat a tat cat, swap, zigity......but lately, we've been playing life.......i remember thinking it was pretty fun when i was a kid.....but it was SOOOO long that we seldom played it..... but the life i've been playing with my three kids, looks remarkably similar to my growning up version...but this one is WAY better....for instance, yesterday julia was a doctor and sophie was an artist......today i was a technician and got 50k every time the spinner messed up...and sophie is six, so i was RICH.......today julia was a police officer, so anytime someone spun a ten, they had to pay her a fine....5k ...not bad!! .......anyway......i've been spending hours with my kids playing life........my big kids are old enough to be the banker....but i do it......i'm pretty sure i could have hours of free art time if i'd just let them play without me.....alas.....i'm hoping that tomorrow i can be doctor.....or maybe the entertainer......hmmmmmmmm........

and as if the game of life wasn't all consuming......we also went to see harry potter today....it was SUPER....fab...great....everything i wanted it to be....how big a geek am i that i wanted to go first day out?
that voldemort is one scary dude....... and ginny weasley rocks....... if someone made up one of those weird internet questionairres, which potter character are you....i'm certain i should be ginny weasley.....i'm not brave enough to be harry...not smart enough to be hermione..... not quite goofy enough to be ron....... but ginny, i want to be ginny......
or that weird divination woman, but i'm not that odd.......i hope......
well....looky here.....i found the exact website that i was imagining....of course it exists......

Which HP Kid Are You?
and i confess...first time out, i was ron weasley.....so, i took it again, and whew, now i'm ginny
and tomorrow, i, ginny weasley, will do art......i have a large blue, green three foot canvas to work on...a small, 18 inch square yelloworangepink canvas to work on....and i have an idea about a scrabble board.......
tra la la......i'll squeeze in life, art, and three dental appts for the doctor, the police officer and the salesperson........
*love your read today!*
i was hermeeeyown...
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