hooray .... i got a ton of good art stuff done today ...... i started by painting dictionary pages green ..... they're lined up here light to dark ...... i did a ton because i have about 6 backgrounds that are READY to be flowerfied ...... i'm on the brink of having quite a few finished pieces ..... yippeeee!!
i have BUNCHES of canvases that are back- grounds .... ready to become something fabulous .... this one is a back- ground that started with a poster from and english newspaper, of herbs ....... i'm going with a jumbo sized playing card and ceramic disks i made last spring .... i'll use those red papers for borders or berries or some such accent color thing ..... it brings out the red in the jack, you see! ......
this piece is a background that is AT LEAST a year old ... maybe older .... not sure why i never felt the urge to finish it ..... though i suspect it is because it is not my usual size or shape .... it is smallish, and not square ... but .... while working in my studio and prepping for a bunch of foregrounds, i got out all my partial canvases and tried hard to figure out how to finish them ..... so, for this one, i've chosen the king and queen, matted them, picked some bottle caps ..... and we'll see if in the next couple of days if it works out!!
..... and this is one of the multitudes of canvases i did one day .... VERY small for me ..... it is 10 by 10 .....about a quarter of the size of my favorite small 18 by 18 ....... but i think with the electric company and some grape flowers, it's going to make it to finished this week as well .....
i also have a three foot square canvas under way ..... it is mostly brown ....except for the scrabble board on it ..... so it isn't much to look at ....yet ..... it is the painting i'm MOST excited to work on tomorrow morning ...... so .... i had a busy weekend of getting ready to finish some pieces ...... i'm thrilled with the progress ......
my pal, al, asked about doing an art show soon .... she'd heard there might be an opening and they'd be looking for last minute booths ..... the good news/bad news is that i really have hardly a bit of art in my house ready to do a show .... that's fab .... it means my work is sold, or on display at lola's ..... so that's good ... the bad is that i've signed up to do the marist show in about two months ....eek ..... so that's why i'm cranking .... and now that i just typed that all out, i wonder if i've already written this out in my blog ..... and i'm being repetitive for you .... if so, that just goes to show how it is weighing on my wee little brain !!
happy week to you ..... be artsy ......
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