kristy at lola's has ALL my art for a show .... more than 50 pieces .... i had an opening about a month ago .... and this week i got an email that she needs MORE .... she's sold enough that it is looking thin .... my response? oh no! no art! ..... i had such a push to create and finish pieces for her show ...and then i slowed down dramatically with the kids getting out of school .... and there are pools to sit by! date i've sat by four different pools and one ocean this summer ....
but, i'm always up for a challenge .... and painted yesterday for a bit ....then ... oops, went to a pool with some friends ..... where i talked about art .... she, wisely, said: you have other art in your basement ... what's wrong with it? .... and i went on and on about not wanting to send art out into the world that i didn't love .... wise friend said: go look again .... some of them are great and you are too picky .... some of them you maybe can work on .... you don't have to start from scratch ....
so, i did .... i came home and looked through some art .... and found this one .... done about a year and a half ago .....

when i did it, i hadn't done many big canvases at that point ... and this is three feet square ... my now favorite size ..... you can read about it here ... i guess i was never sure how done it was ..... i don't even know if i ever displayed it on my mantle or took it to a show .... it never quite sat right for me .... friends said nice things about it ... one friend LOVED it .....
so.... here is your test ....
i was looking around ...
i found it .....
i decided i needed to tend to it .....
what should i do?
a. throw it away
b. take the canvas off and stretch new canvas for a fresh painting
c. paint over it
d. keep it cause someone will love it... give it to lola's for the show
e. something else ..... this answer entails an essay answer.... what would the something else be?
that's the test .... go ahead, answer it!
and a quick update of my art day .... i did not dawdle by any pools today .... i think i had about nine hours of studio time .... mostly with two girl artists working on their side of the table ....
i worked on five canvases
3 feet square: mostly turq.
30 inches squre: burnt umber .... to be a blue pear, i think
30 inches sqare: bright blue ... i think it will have an monopoly board
long thin: light turq. lettered ... not sure what it will be
long thin: dark turq...... the least far along .....
so .... take the test .... you will be graded .... who knows what glory will be had by the brightest test taker!
have a happy weekend .... i'm painting tomorrow during the day .... and sitting by a pool in the evening .... what are you doing?
Not my favorite type of test question ... purely subjected to my thought process ... this color combination doesn't really appeal to my eyes; there definitely are people that are drawn to them (my husband). because of that (and the size) I think you should bring it into Lola's ... once there, if it doesn't make your heart sing once it's up, take it down and consider revisiting it.
how's that for my 2 cents?
ps - glad the pkg finally arrived. :)
bring. to. lolas.
love the blue that POPs out of it!
Any of the above is good but since you ask and since I always have an opinion, how about if you bring it into your current series of work by adding some numbers/letters but not over all of it. But maybe a small square of them over the tall right part of the heart. That would hit in the 1/3 down and over area. Now you should be totally confused. And use a transparent color lightly but I don't know what color.
mainly because I do not have energy for E
Do what feels right
that is a whimpy answer -- but still an answer
Hmmmmmm . . . . Not my favorite piece of your work. Has a 'chaotic' feel to it. As for what to DO with it though??? If it were mine I'd:
FIRST: Put it somewhere where I had to SEE it throughout the day. Just in glancing. Don't STARE at it . . . but let it 'catch your attention' every so often and see how it 'speaks ot you'. Maybe something will 'strike you' as the perfect way to 'edit it'. Do that and send it to the gallery.
SECOND: Even IF you don't come up with a way to edit it, WHY NOT send it to Lola's??? Someone may be attracted to it. After all, 'art is objective'.
THIRD: If you don't edit it and/or send it to Lola's AS IS; paint over it. I paint over stuff all the time. Not sense in wasting the canvas!
aj @ Sophie's in Oregon
(who has YET to see any 'pool sitting weather'! Until yesterday we were still having record COLD temps!)
hmmm....well i've already forgotten what a, b, c, d, and e stand for but here's my two cents. personally, i agree with 3rdeyemuse. i love your work, yet i'm not crazy about this color combo. that said, however! i'd say take it to lola's anyway! like others have said, you never know who's going to like what! then if it doesn't sell, you have the opportunity to "e", do something else with it later. whew..i think i already wrote the essay, so i'll skip that part! :-) have a wonderful day and enjoy the pool sitting while you can! k
Off to the show! Yes, it is different than your usual pieces. I think the difference is good, a little contrast makes everything more interesting.
d. d. d. d. d.
somebody might just love it!
and wow, e. congrats on selling so many pieces!! wonderful !!
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