Thursday, July 12, 2012

the indecision ....

i am a pretty decisive sort .... i'm not a quibbler or a ditherer or a mind changer, in general ..... to the point where i made this cute board (reclaimed wood, maybe ten by 4 inches) with papers and acrylics ... and then was going to put a quote on it but didn't know what one to use .... so, rather than go through that indecisive dithering process, and finding the right quote,  i just did nothing .... so, it's been floating around my studio, my desk, the kitchen for two months or so .... it's waiting .... luckily, it is an inanimate object so it can't be impatient with me for forgetting about it.... right?


Darla said...

My immediate thought was this says "Happy Birthday" - with all those numbers you could just pick an age for yourself.


Parabolic Muse said...

Are you kidding? This is really pretty and cool and, in fact, makes time stand still. So.