Wednesday, December 7, 2011


day six ... well ... i was rocking the joy and having a busy, fab day .... all the way up until i was brushing my teeth at bedtime and realized i'd never blogged .... it had never crossed my mind once to do it .... i didn't procrastinate it or ditch it or anything negative .... i just flat out busied myself without doing it ....

so ... JOY post 7

today's joy: yesterday's joy was all about party prep and painting with allison .... i got my house ready for a party before allison came ... then i painted with allison .... and then made ornies for party favors .... 
today, i had the party (joyjoyjoy) and handed out the ornies at the end .... 

 preparation: i have a table behind my orange couch .... and on it i have an old battered drawer that i use as a box ... i put our christmas books in it on the table ... it's one of my favorite christmasy spots in the house ... cause i can just grab a book and know it will make me happy ... little.e.beck.artist has outgrown little kid books sort of, but she still likes them and has read a number of them to me already ... i suspect she'll read them all to me before the end of the year .....

serenity: you can find serenity in the oddest places ... mine was at the gym ... i took little.e.beck.artist to basketball and i took my kindle .... an hour of uninterrupted reading was well worth the bleacher seating .... christmas time makes life busy so it is nice to have enforced stillness .....

this is the table i set for my party ... the napkins and silverware and glasses and plates are all elsewhere since we did buffet style .... i like how it looks clean and fresh and simple ...
happy shot of the day:
i have lots and lots of glass balls ... back from when i didn't have many decorations, i'd buy glass balls at the grocery store, a box or two each week ... now i have loads and they all look antiqued and weathered and aged and cool ....even though they are only vintage early 90s .....

what were the first decorations you bought for yourself? have you gotten them out yet? have you finished decorating? been to any parties?

1 comment:

Kelly Warren said...

We (well I should say primarily my girls and my husband but I was sick as a dog all weekend...and where does that expression come from anyway, "sick as a dog" hmm....rambling) put up our tree and decorations this weekend. Since my sweet Mama is no longer with me, I always put quite a few of her ornaments on our tree. Those tend to be my favorite. And all the very wonderful patchwork ornaments my grandmother made me. I like your JOY posts this month. I've not been the best of bloggers lately!