whatever day, a while ago, that i told you i was going to do lots of art? i did .... and then i never blogged it .... or even got my photos out of my camera .... why? you ask...... because i had been to yellowstone! you know, i told you about it ..... trip of the lifetime, yada, yada .... (does anyone say yada, yada anymore?) ..... anyhooooo ..... on that fabo trip, i took 550 photos on one memory card .... 250 on my other memory card (room for 300 more, clearly i wasn't trying hard enough) ..... 384 on boy.beck.artist's camera ..... 265 on girl.beck.artist (clearly she needs to be trained up on the true glory of the digital camera... she is underperforming) .... little.beck.artist took 27 on a disposable camera .... there was a waterproof camera for the white water rafting trip ... and i had to get it all out of the cameras, onto my 'puter, and i have it about half now uploaded to my shutterfotogalleryonline spot of choice ...... if i worked outside the home, i would clearly need a week off to deal with the post vacation tra la las that need to be accomplished ..... as it is, i'm on the slow and steady and i'll get there eventually path! .....
so .... all of THAT said .... i'm still working on my finishing touches of my travel journal ... PLEASE remind me to post about it one day .... i'll try to put that on my list of things to do!
and ... i did have a FABULOUS fourth of july ..... i have never been THAT close to the fireworks before ...... we were RIGHT under them ...on the top of a parking deck (such a city girl i am, eh?) ..... and then on the fifth we had friends over and did grilling and sparklers and more yippee fun ....
but back to the art .....

here's the play by play ... i had to do a bit of a tidy (seems to be ALWAYS the case) to get to the table to have a spot to do some work .... i ambitiously set out four 18 by 18 canvases ..... i was also working on a BLUE 36 inch square .... that i think will have a monopoly board on it ... but i digress ... that, too, is another post! .... so the pic above is my table, one old cup, one fresh with diet coke cup (orange is fresh, red should have gone back to the kitchen pre-yellowstone...yes, i'm slovenly...and yes the orange cup is in a different spot in each of these photos) .....underneath the table you can get a peak of a letter stencil that was painty and put to dry there ... also ages ago ......

in this picture, you can see i've use my mat medium to put background papers onto all of the canvases .... i used maps, dictionary, novel pages mostly ..... with a few other bits of odds and end papers that were in my odds and ends paper bin .....as opposed to my map bin, my bingo bin, my novel bin ... or IN the dictionary ... my dictionary is binless .... (note to self: might should snap a pic of that pitiful, shadow of its former self, dictionary) .. the second one up, i've put a glaze on ... before i remembered that i was doing a photo thing ... documenting steps ... so ... that's a photo of me having forgotten i was documenting steps ... the two towards the top look fairly tan ... but they aren't .... i guess the flash didn't get to them to make them show true .....

and this pic above is a close up of one of the canvases, covered up in papers ... partly for texture, partly for visual interest ... and partly cause now it isn't a big white scary canvas glaring at me confrontationally...... instead, it is well under way and shouting, oh! i'm ready to go!

and here, i have glazed all four canvases... you can see the glazes taking up dish space ..... squishing that orange over towards the red ..... the close canvas, i did in quadrants .... and then a yellow a turquoise and an orange .....on the floor you can see some papers drying ... when i have extra paint, i hatehatehate to waste it .... so i paint papers .... on the floor there are a yellow, an orange and two greens ... there are more under the table too ..... i'll file these with like colors .... and at a later day when i need to make some green shoes or an orange house or a yellow flower, i'll grab one of those pages rather than painting fresh pages .....and actually, on the right edge of the pic, you can see a BIG yellow map ... from a couple weeks ago ... i made too much yellow or the wrong yellow or changed my mind about the color ... i don't recall ... but i needed to put all that yellow paint somewhere .... so now i have a yellow map for when i need one .... i guess the question is when will i need it .... i'll letcha know .....

well... good for me... you can see from this pic that i picked the freshly painted pages up off the floor .... they were dry .... i didn't file them .. but i put them on top of my filing spot... you can also see a big blue canvas that i did some work on ...so then i propped all the canvases up to dry .... and worked on the quadranted one .... i painted bingo pages red ... you can see the end of the table where i was painting on a garbage bag ... that way the pages don't stick to my table as they dry ..... i needed to paint red bingo pages because in my saved red papers i didn't have enough to do fairly big hearts .... four of them .... and actually i made way more than four ....and knew i would ... cause i had to try on different shapes and sizes to see which would be the best fit .....
.... and ... i have
a similar painting to this already .... i did it at the beginning of the year .... you can see it
here ..... it was my third painting in my current quest for 100 ..... yoinks! .... and it is sold .... so it seemed worth while to do another similar one .... so .... here it is ... the sixtyninth ... and i assume one of those others will be 70 .... or maybe it will be the blue monopoly that i'm thinking about ...... i'm not sure though ....
i do hope, that for my next blog picture series, there won't be three cups on the table .... surely i'll get the dishes to the kitchen before then ..... or maybe, i'll be so busy painting .... and uploading photos that i just won't have time ..... stay tuned .....
hey elizabeth, great to hear from you - thank you for stopping by! your art and blogs are wonderful - i'll be back for sure! aimee
me again - well, that first comment was just not enough. i've combed through more of your blog and i LOVE it! wow, thanks for introducing me to your world!
okay, i'm tired now...just from reading that...love seeing your messy process though. :-) how to you keep the little beck artists out of your stuff? that's my daily challenge.... k
It is so much fun to see the process. Fantastic that you are so far along on your goal.
Can't wait to see the finished canvases.
that is the longest most exhausting and exhilarating blog post in the world! Yay for you and almost one THOUSAND photos!!! Can't wait to see those works... go girl go!
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