now, my problem? i have all kinds of art to blog about , but instead ... i have to get onto these questions ... there are dozens to answer ... and some are FUN .....
so ... in this post ... are two more paintings from my newest series ..... we're up to a whopping three .... with fifteen others started and planned and close to done ..... sort of close to done .....

but enough about art on the art blog .... on to the questions that i solicited from you all ......
2....aimee, why does blogger blow up at the very moment i try to post a comment or publish a post? .... well.... clearly blogger is out to get you .... no one else ever has trouble ..... sorry 'bout that.....
3.... 3rd eye muse, nope, no limit to your number of questions ....
4... 3rd, yes, that counted as a question .....
5 .... 3rd, i heard it in the car today .... the song that i can hear over and over and not get tired of is ..... katrina and the waves singing ....i'm walking on sunshine .... i don't much love some of the other folks singing it lately .... but really like it always .... in 1985 i went to my brother david's college graduation .... and he took me to toad's to see katrina and the waves ... i LIKED it then ... but somehow it has grown on me .... i call my littlest one sunshine .... all the time really .... when she was an infant she smiled all the time .... easy third child sydrome turns into "gosh, i better be cutest, happiest and easiest if i want to get any attention" .... i've been singing walking on sunshine to her for her whole life ... including tonight when i tucked her in ....
6... 3rd .... what am i really happy with? all kinds of things .... my family, my dog, bagels, twizzlers, my mac, blogging ...... in fact .... have you read this post .... i'm pretty much a happy girl ....or ...i'm happy way more than i'm unhappy ..... and ... so as not to cop out on this question ... i'll give a fresh answer .... i 'm happy with tennis .... i've been playing for less than two years .... and....quite honestly, i'm not that good .... and i'm not just saying that ....i'm in the lowest possible division in my tennis league ...but .. the good news is that i'm about nine thousand times better than when i started .... and i'm even 100 times better than i was two months ago ...i've taken lessons this summer ...i've been playing a lot with mr.e.beck.artist and some pals..... and ... it is exercise .... i feel strong ... i want to play tennis all the time .... i'm always planning my next outing (tomorrow morning, 8am) ..... so ... there you have it .... i am so happy with tennis ....
7... 3rd, hands down my very favorite dessert is key lime pie .... we had a key lime tree growing up .... in florida .... we had pies all the time ... my mom froze the juice so we could have it year round ..... my brothers and i all made our own version of it ... the big question is green food coloring or no? my family went both ways added green .... we sometimes didn't .... and i've had purple and blue and orange key lime pies that tasted perfectly fab ....if you shut your eyes...... and ... just to give you full disclosure ....tonight, cake batter ice cream for dessert .... yum.....
8.... courtney! welcome to .... thanks for asking a question ... and an art related one at that ..... Where do you find the inspiration when that dreaded block comes and your hands will not listen to your heart??? .... well.... when i don't feel inspired, my solution is to keep plugging along keep creating and doing and hanging out in my art studio ... one of the things i do is have multiple pieces going at once .... so even when i'm not feeling it, i am making backgrounds or finishing off a piece .... or painting papers..... or sorting supplies ..... just being in the art studio can get me to come round to some sort of art notion ..... another thing that helps me is always having a "next thing" .... for a long time i was working hard to prep for my FIRSt gallery show ..... now that is done ... but i have two HUGE canvases to do for a show in september (i'm currently procrastinating those pieces...eep!) .... and then i'm doing an art show in november so i need to bulk up on paintings available to sell...... so ... with something to work towards, i try not to give myself the luxury of lack of inspiration ...i try to treat this as a job with deadlines and productivity expectations .... i'm hard to work for slack!
9. darla, darla, darla ..... i can't just send you the prize..... the suspense is really what it is all about ...
10 ... sharon, i believe i have done 29 pear canvases ... two of them today!!! all of the ones in this flickr set ... as well as 8 others, 2 sets of four, that i sold before i took pics ... and i think, that is 28 canvases for a 40 pear total ... who knew? i never would have guessed that many .... i've sold most of them .... rah!
11...alison, thanks for visiting me...all the way from australia ...glad you found me at coffee yogurt ..... and you are really stretching me ... a cat question is way outside my comfort zone ... i'm a dog girl .... but .... i'm pretty sure that when a cat is staring at a human, the cat is wondering why that big ole creature doesn't respond properly to the telepathy .....
12.kelly c.... hooray ... love your question ... my favorite vegetable is edamame ..... i eat it frequently and fervently ... with dinner tonight it fact .... and the funny thing? it's a "new" vegetable .... and i bet some of you haven't even heard of it!! is that right? edamame (ed-uh-mom-ay) is a soy bean ... it's looks like a spring pea in a pod .... and tastes a bit butter beanish, i suppose .... edamame is also my dog's favorite vegetable .... she goes nutso when the microwave beeps for them ..... other faves? artichokes, asparagus, corn on the cob, and tomatoes ... tomatoes especially if they are in a sandwich)
ok... surely the first 12 questions is enough for today .... i'll answer more sooooon ... and once i've answered them all, i have a grand notion of what the prize will be .... tra la la'll just have to stay tuned .... while you wait, go do some art ....
walking on sunshine IS a completely upbeat song. its the best for car sing alongs!!
Love the pair of pear paintings! The answer to my question wasn't QUITE what I wanted to hear tho, LOL!
i'm an edamame woman too! thanks for answering! i LOVE your work.
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