tra la la ..... i took my 60 canvases to lola's today ..... and we put their name labels and prices on them .... and then hung them up ...... the gallery section is kind of three sections... two sides and a middle .... all my stuff is in the middle ...... this first pic is the right wall, from the front door ..... with my nests, then pears, then some flowers and a house .....
if you want to read about any of my gallery shots, i have flickr pics of them with notes, so you scroll over the photo in flickr and get to read all my secret messages .... here's one, and another..... and a third ... and the last one .....
so, i'm ready ..... now i wonder, is anyone going to come?
i'm taking deep breaths ..... and crossing my fingers!
oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness!!! How absolutely amazing and thrilling and wonderously fantabulous!!! Everything looks so bright & perfect - of course people are going to show up ... and I have a feeling new walls are in the near future for all those magnificent treasures. woohoooo! for e.beck.artist!!!! (can you tell that I am having a groovy jumping / giggle fest for you?!?)
I'm sure tons will show up. I'm excited for you! Good luck.
congratulations!!! you must feel awesome proud! well done and best wishes for a wonderful showing.
p.s. did you see my mini tribute to your hidden mona?
Beautiful!!! I wish wish wish that I could come to your show. My favorites are your nests and the hearts. Congratulations and Best Wishes!!!!!
Looking good, looking good! So much to look at, yet I feel like I "know" each piece! Love the nest set, and the flower, and the Scrabble, and ... all of them! Good luck!
WOWZA!!! It looks absolutely AMAZING!! I can't wait! You're a real artist now!! hee hee...
Look at all that ART! I enjoy your individual pieces but what a special treat it would be to see them all in one place, together, telling a story.
Amazing! What a showing. A little different than the gallery here in Sav. Of course they will come. I know I would. Best of luck!!!
Have fun tonight!!! Everthing looks AWESOME and WONDERFUL!!!
Love, Roberta :)
you go girl
can't wait to hear all about it
Every painting looks absolutely gorgeous hanging there. I just want to go up and touch everything. That's the problem with galleries though, lots of 'no touching' signs. lol I hope the show is doing well. I wish I could come to see! Good luck with it all.
It all looks amazing. I love stuff when it is amassed (is that a real word?) together. Love the colors, it just looks happy. I hope you are doing fantastic with sales.
And thanks for coming by my blog, cause now I found you.
Best of luck on showing,
It looks absolutely perfect - good luck e.
WOW!!! How totally AWESOME to see all your beautiful paintings hanging up there - in a GALLERY!! WOOHOOO! I'm sure that people will show up - and they will want your beautiful canvases to brighten up their homes!
Congratulations, e! =) I'm joinging 3rdeyemuse in her "groovy jumping/giggle fest" just for you!
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