this week is fully artistic ... i am spending my days teaching a drawing/journaling class to inner city kids ..... my children are at the camp, seventh heaven, with me as helpers ..... i spent the day drawing ... i mostly was drawing exotic colorful chickens ... peculiar, i know ... but i read them the book the talking eggs by r. sansouci .... and in it there are pink and green and purple and orange and red and yellow chickens that don't cluck, they whistle like mocking birds ..... so that's what we drew ... well ... we drew more than that ... but i sure did a lot of chickens with five sessions .....

this afternoon, i had what felt like stolen moments in my studio .... and i worked on a piece that's been going on and on for ages .... blue, three foot square .. monopoly board .... and it is turning into a landscape ... i'm having some composition dilemmas .... trying to figure out how to make it what i have in my head ... but for now, it looks better in my head than it does in person ... so, i'll keep plodding along .....

so that's my day more or less .... art with 60 children ... and then art in the quiet solitude of my basement studio ... i'm really actually a total extrovert... and do better with people than by myself .... but this afternoon? by myself was really nice ...... and luckily my kids had had enough of me, and didn't come down and have studio time with me ....
happy monday ... got anything groovy going for this week?
sounds like a great day - a good balance of giving of yourself in the a.m. and to yourself in the p.m. - my children aren't old enough yet to have had enough of me (2 and 5) - they always need something. so this does change? they will get sick of me at some point? i'll have time for art?
p.s. i do believe it is bastille day.
I bet you are a fantastic teacher! and I'm sure the kids had oodles of fun with you.
This weekend ... am actually trying not to wallow in sheer misery ... uber-spouse is running away to play with friends for the weekend. boo hiss. well, good for him (her deserves it).
Guess I ought to bake.
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