Sunday, August 17, 2008

just to catch you all up on who i am, what i am, what i'm doing, how i'm doing, how i'm feeling .... and stuff like that ....

i had a happy, successful weekend as an artist .... i'm not much for introspection but did quite a bit of figuring and thinking today about art stuff .... the job of it .... the work of it ... the point of it .... and come to find out? i'm doing it! .... exactly two years ago, as my last baby went off to kindergarten, i decided to pursue art full tilt, and whaddaya know? it's really working out ..... i feel gloriously, artistically happy and can't wait to get back to committed days of painting after a few weeks of lollygagging through summer time ..... i did my thinking and such at folk fest, driving to and from folk fest, and talking to artsy pal, allison, both on the phone and in person at folk fest ... she's a perfect artsy sounding board .....

for the year, i've done 92 paintings ... with 93 and 94 under way ..... 100 should be done in no time .... leaving me MONTHS still to blow by my new year's resolution goal .... i have a show coming up on november 1....and i most certainly need to get another 30 or so paintings done so that i'll have a good amount for that show .... tra la la .... happy, happy .... 
and this is one of the paintings that sold this weekend .... three feet square .... sold to a woman who "collects bird art" and "loves scrabble" ..... perfect .... really perfect .... 


Jeannie said...

Glad to see you blogging again.
And it is wonderful to hear that all is going so well on the art front.

Anonymous said...

you are too much!!!

CourtneyP said...

I love the piece. I am always so intimidated by a large empty canvas. My last is going off to school this year so I will try to embrace this time as you did.

Heidi said...

I agree...perfect, really perfect!

Darla said...

Love this piece. You are so productive and each piece just gets better and better. No wonder your art is selling so well.


shrink on the couch said...

birds and scrabble - whoda thunk? Congrats on your big sale!!