one of my great joys as a collage artist is the people who "get" me ... i have more than my fair share of friends and family who give me their extra bits that they think/know i'd like to use in my art ....

i get road atlases and world atlases and maps of kansas from 1962 and french horn music and monopoly boards and bottle caps and dress patterns... and it all makes me happy ... i like that someone can give me what they don't want/need/love anymore and know that i DO want it ....because i am so rich in goodies i can get double, triple, happy creative and use some of it as wrapping paper .. so map art inside, and map outside .... groovy huh .... i wrapped about ten gifts tonight while we watched american idol ... every single one, i showed the closest kid: LOOK, don't you just love this? ....
the tenth time i said it, one voice piped up: i'd like it better if the present was for me ...
gotta love presents, huh?
i love that you find use for all of these bits and scraps! i think of you every time i go to our semiannual library book sale - it's a collage artist's dream!
you have carried collage artistry to another most of us never reach! Congrats!
Wrapping paper that reflect the gift inside. Clever. Someone is going to have fun with that.
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