Thursday, January 16, 2014

new years resolutions

on yesterdays blog post, i was asked how i track my resolutions.... so here it is... a word document. i actually didn't make it ... well i did ... but in 2009. when i used it to chart art .... see a VERY perky blog post about it right here ..... 

so this is this year's calendar .... i have a for art ... days i do art..... e for exercise, the days i exercise ... b is for book ... and i intend to read EVERY day cause that's the only way i'll get to 100 books read .... you can see the books i've already read this year right here .... and p is for pal ... i 'm going out to eat with pals 50 times this year ... though i'm thinking i'll do more than that.

realistically, i'm certain i'll make my exercise goal so long as i don't get injured .... i think i'll get my pal goal early and go over the goal number. the art goal is hard... i'm super easily side tracked from that ... which is funny/odd/ironic/incongruous since this is an ART blog......  and the book goal, i think i can read every day, but getting 100 books finished is hard. but doable. i'll know by summer if i'll make it.... pretty much i need to do ten a month and then take it easy in november and december when life gets so busy with other stuff.

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