from there i went to pottery ..... i had in my head that i was going to raku fire some angels .... that's a new thing i'm into .... you might recall i have done some ..... a tall skinny one here .... and a fat one (i don't think she minds me calling her fat) here ..... but ... i got to pottery and no one else had a notion to raku .... and my teacher offered to do a firing JUST for me .... but i thought that was unnecessary ..... so i made two platters ..... slab rolled white clay .... did a large thin rectangle and carved five winter trees into it ..... and a smaller rectangle with three larger winter trees ..... i have high hopes for them .... thinking that when i glaze them that the glaze will pool in the carved out areas and be much darker .... we'll see ..... then i had just a titch of clay left, so i made another angel .... not too fat ,nor very tall ..... one day to be raku fired ....
then i went to stein mart... do you have that store? it might be my favorite store for real clothes shopping ... you know not target or sports authority clothes ..... anyway, i'm not much for shopping ... but i NEEDED bras .... and also maybe wanted a new outfit or something special for saturday night .... no luck on saturday night clothes, i decided to go with my original plan of wearing something already in my closet .....but, success on bras... and i bought a pair of earrings that i'll probably wear saturday night ......
then i dashed home ... to the dog and a walk ... (still no lunch, oops!)
and then a decorator came over .... what? a decorator? well ... not a decorator for me .....but a decorator to look at my art!! i had put my canvases from the basement into the dining room (can't let a decorator into my basement even if the studio is all spick and span tidy .... remember?) ...... so between canvases propped up in my dining room ... and ten or so on my mantle ...and some hanging in my kitchen....leanne took four away ... to a client .... three of them were large .... let's hope her client buys one ..... go ahead, cross your fingers for me .....
then i thought about lunch .... and it was three .... and my kids came home .... and i ate leftovers while they started their homework ..... one spelling test to study for .... two language arts tests ... some multiplication problems ..... this and that..... and then i snuck away and got out some glitter paint .... twinkle acrylic .....
then we had a dinner problem ... drew asked to make dinner ..... and our pasta parmesan with chicken ended up looking like soup ..... such is life when you say 'sure, honey, of course you can make dinner tonight" ... to a ten year old .... we strained it..... and.... it tasted great ..... probably would have been fine as soup too, actually ....
andy left for a meeting, the kids went to bathe ... and i snuck off to my studio ..... julia and sophie caught up with me ..... and we had fun going through my doodads .... as i figured out how to make this .....
did you know the white blob thingies at the beginning of the post were going to be angels?
leftover hardware angels? the halo on the first one and the wings on the second one are smashed bottle caps .... i think i have about ten more of these to finish off .... i left them at pottery to raku or to glaze traditionally .... but i'm liking them plain .... they actually have a coat of twinkle acrylic .... but glazing would really change the color and texture ..well...unless i just glazed it clear or white ...but that's a lot of work for little effect ..... so ... we'll see ..... i'm not sure how i'll finish out those other ten .... who knows? maybe i'll do dozens and dozens of them ....and get a head start on next christmas .....
then ... just to finish out my whole day for you .... i read to sophie (she is reading cam jansen chapter books, so i just read her a few pages cause she couldn't bear to stop reading the mystery) ..... and then i watched american idol with the twins .....we don't start watching it until 8.20 or so .... we tivo it and fast forward through the commercials .... and now they are off to bed .....
and i'm thinking about what art i'm going to do tomorrow .... as well as ticking some things off my to do list .... so what's your plan? anything artsy? anything cool on your to do list?
remind me to tell you about my new to do list's kind of groovy cool ....
An amazing output of art! The angels are incredible and your energy is dizzying!! I am in awe
Oh to be young and energetic! You sure do accomplish a lot in one day.
Love the angels.
Good luck to you on selling the art pieces!
Love the angels 'embellished with doo-dads'!
leftover hardware angels are dear!
They will make lovely gifts!
I have everyone home - a day off school. We also have a bit of snow - nothing like they said.
I am going to measure my scarf now and see how many inches I can knit today.
oooh, little sparlkym bottle-capped angel...heavenly, e!
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