Friday, November 30, 2007

fa la la la la friday

..... i went to the post office today ... 
... i mailed darla, the prize winner, her christmas canvas ..... 
... i mailed some prints out to fill some orders ..... 
... i stopped by pottery to see if i had stuff to pick up .... i had LOTS actually .... but, in particular, this: 

... i was so happy with it that i glazed three more bisque pieces that i had waiting with the same transparent green glaze ..... i think i love this so much that i am going to keep it for myself ... i hardly ever keep my own pottery ... but this seems very useful .... and is dishwasher safe ... and has three more matches on the way ..... 
.... my nativities are a bit of a problem ... i was waiting on angels and quite a few of them lost their halos .... the donkeys were fine, but those pesky angels just couldn't keep it together for me ......
my excitement for tomorrow is going to the world story telling celebration .... last year i told two stories .... this year, even better, i'm telling two stories... but one is with drew and the other is with julia .... none by myself ... i'm proud of my kids for being brave enough to get up their and do public speaking at the ripe old age of ten ..... 
.... i think my house is nearing clean enough to start doing the christmas decorating .... i believe i'll start this weekend a bit ... especially since it will be december tomorrow ..... have you decorated yet? tell me your favorite bit of christmas joy in your house .... 
happy weekend ... 


LA said...

Love your piece. It is delish!

My fav holiday house decorating is my tree. I love it! I holds so many happy memories of Christmas past and present.

Cheers! la

Darla said...

The pottery is great, interesting shape. For some reason I want to serve sushi on it :-)

I'll be watching for my package.
