two hundred!
this, right here, right now, is my 200th blog post ... how can that be? i feel like i'm still new at blogging... apparently i'm not so new anymore .....
my 200th post contest is still running ... til wednesday .... in case anyone who is inclined to join the contest hasn't been keeping up because of the turkey day holiday time ..... so ..... some time on wednesday i'll pick a name .... if you haven't joined, go one post down ...... i'd love for you to join in!!'s that for a groovy clock? coolio, huh? i made if for my mom to give to a pal as a christmas gift .... i hope she loves it .... i have three more clocks in my immediate future to make as well ..... using all these buttons, and then some on some christmas crafts, has made me realize i'm becoming button depleted!!! .... i need to make the time to do some ebay button shopping ... but ebay turns into a HUGE time sucker for me .... like, i don't know that i can keep a blog and go to ebay ..... that's how badly ebay sucks me in!!!! but ....i'm also running low on bottle caps and keys ... i guess, now that i have 200 posts, if you don't hear from me for a while, you'll know i'm lost in the game of ebay ..... what? it's not a game? are you sure?
..... and these are the ornaments that my children and i have been making .... glass balls with acrylic dots and a bit of fiber ...... we are doing white and silver balls .... they are turning out quite well .... we've probably done three dozen or more .... of all sizes .....
... these twelve balls, i did .... to supplement the ones that my kids did .... so there are always a few more to give ..... and that's it ..... was that momentous enough for a two hundredth post? probably not .... but .... so it goes .... just one more day of documenting my artsiness ..... and i didn't even mention that my mom went to my sunday school class this morning and i gave her a journal of her very own .... and she watercolored in it ..... i also didn't mention that my dozen six by six canvases are really starting to come together.... i hope that tomorrow i will be finished with ALL of them .... how's that for accomplished ....
ok ... 200th post over .....
don't forget to read my last post if you haven't signed up for my giveaway yet!!!
tra la la ... have a happy week .....
How cool to have your mother in your Sunday School Class to participate and interact with you!
Pretty bulbs! You know I love all that pink fiber! Fun times this weekend...lets see what this week brings!
great ornaments! very cheery
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